Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Claire, is that you?

The web is abuzz with debate about a four-second clip from the most recent episode of LOST ("Namaste").

Is the woman in the background Claire? Could it be Charlotte? What about Penny? Libby?

You decide:


Tyler Charles said...

Based solely on appearance, I'd go with Penny.

But if I had to lay money on the table...Claire. She makes the most sense.

Barbie said...

I can't see the video :( Just a blank white space.

Tyler Charles said...

That's odd... I can see it. Using Firefox and/or Internet Explorer.

Barbie said...

Yep, nothing. Can anyone else see it? Maybe it's different for you since it's your blog. I'm using explorer, but nothing shows up.

Anonymous said...

barbie stinks.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Claire...

Barbie said...

Whatever you did, I can see it now. I think it's Clair too. It looks like a blond with her hair pulled half up (how Claire would wear hers a lot).

P.S. Steve Double Stinks!!

Chad Burrus said...

Claire, definitely. No one else makes sense, and I agree with Barbie--it looks more like Claire's looked like in recent days. (Whatever "recent days" happens to mean in this messed up timeline.)

Tyler Charles said...

For a better look, click here