Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March Madness, Easter, and a Killer Robot

Warning: This is a hodgepodge. (On second thought, it's not really. But I'm not going to edit that out, because "hodgepodge" is a fun term.)

Looks like somebody at the calendar company should be losing their job. Easter in March? That's madness. Or "March Madness," more like it. (Picture me slapping my knee and making the I-think-I'm-so-funny face.)

I'm not thrilled about this new March/Easter arrangement. First of all, here in the suburbs of Chicago, they're predicting 6 inches of snow tomorrow. Easter eggs are not supposed to be hidden in snowdrifts. Unless you're from Canada. But Canadians don't celebrate Easter, so that's irrelevant. (What's that? They do?) Moving on...

The real reason I'm unhappy about Easter in March is that it conflicts with the NCAA tourney. Those who know me know that I love March Madness. Well, I also love spending Easter with my family. That's why I'll be driving to Ohio tonight...while the games are on TV. And that's why I'll be driving back to Illinois on Sunday...while the games are on TV. And then Saturday is my mom's birthday (while it always falls in the middle of March Madness, it usually lands a safe distance away from Easter festivities). So we'll be going out to eat to celebrate her birthday on Saturday night...while the games are on TV.

In short, due to this new March/Easter arrangement, I'll miss about three quarters of the first 2 rounds of March Madness. That's just plain sad. But, there is one thing that will make up for it:

Cadbury Mini-Eggs. The best candy ever made. (They recently introduced a Christmas version of these eggs--although the Christmas treats are not eggs, but balls--but somehow, even though they're the same candy, they don't taste as good as these eggs. But I digress...)

Even though I won't get to see much March Madness this weekend, I will have the chance to eat many Cadbury Mini Eggs. Or, I guess you could say I will be eating "Many-Eggs." (Picture me being disgusted by that terrible joke.)

Madness and Mini-Eggs aside, I'm really looking forward to going home to Ohio and spending time with family--mine and Barbie's.

Completely unrelated... a co-worker/friend/arch-nemesis of mine shared a link with me yesterday, and I feel compelled to pass it on.

As I read it yesterday, my emotions went through this progression: interested, incredulous, scared, impressed, and then very sad. Perhaps your experience will be similar:

Deadly Robot

On that note, I will wrap this up.

I hope you all have a happy Easter, and I hope you enjoy some (more than me) March Madness and some (less than me, I'm sure) Cadbury Mini-Eggs. And take a moment or two to think about just how unthinkable the Easter story was and is.

--Thanks for reading.


Chad Burrus said...

I think "hodgepodge" was the correct term even though they're all connected, but it's good stuff none the less. I'm glad you're blogging again--it gives me some good stuff to read that's not related to work, which is nice occasionally. When's the next one due out? :)

Tyler Charles said...


I can now answer your question definitively:

My next post is due out on Friday, March 28th at 4:00 pm sharp CST.


Thanks for your comment.

p.s. You're a hodgepodge!

Chad Burrus said...

Don't you mean 4:00 pm sharp CDT? :)

Chad Burrus said...

An addendum since that one decided to post before I was ready.

It is daylight savings time in Illinois, I believe.

Also, as far as hodgepodges are concerned, I already knew that. :)

Tyler Charles said...

Wow, I actually didn't mean CDT... but I should have!

I had no idea.

In fact, I always wondered why it's called Central "Standard" Time. Or Eastern "Standard" Time.

I figured if "Standard" implies that it is unchanging or regular, then its inclusion was unnecessary.

Turns out there is a purpose. And you're right, I should have said CDT.

If anyone else is reading this and is as intrigued as I was (highly unlikely), this site cleared things up for me:

(to make that address fit, I had to input a space between "library" and "abbreviations." If you try to paste that and use it, delete the space.)

Thanks for enlightening me, Chad.

Chad Burrus said...

You're quite welcome (though you could have just asked me why they put "Standard" in there). I used to live there, you know? :)

Anonymous said...

I said to many people before Easter, that though Easter has been in March several times in my lifetime, it has never been this near my birthday. I learned the day after Easter, that it will only be THAT early once every 200 years. So we may again have to contend with Easter Madness, but Easter Birthday Madness should not come up. (But you might warn your grandchildren.)
Will this Madness never end?! -TMom