Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blog Changes Going into Effect Immediately

Consider this a Public Service Announcement:

Since starting my own blog a couple months ago, I have maintained an erratic schedule for posting. My posts have been long and detailed.

And I've realized recently that this is rarely what people look for in blogs. People want blogs that are concise: good, but short.

Because I recognize the opportunities that exist in the blogosphere, I plan to start posting more regularly. And most of my posts will be shorter, though hopefully still worth reading. Some will still be long, of course, since I am naturally long-winded and am easily carried away by something about which I am passionate.

But if you are someone who checks my blog, feel free to check it more regularly. Because the content will be fresher, and you won't have to sit down for 25 minutes to read one post anymore.

Coming soon:

--God's use of an explicit sexual allegory in Ezekial 23

--Islam vs. Christianity: Why Christian evangelism has a lot to learn from the Muslim world

--As always, thanks for reading

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