Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Strange Newness

I haven't posted in awhile, but I won't apologize for that. Getting married, going on a honeymoon, and then moving to a new apartment are pretty good reasons for being "too busy."

As I was sorting through my numerous blog ideas (in my head; I'm not organized enough to store ideas anywhere else), I decided I didn't want to address any of those yet. Since getting married and moving, I've found that I live in a very different world than I did 2 months ago when I last posted. I'm still getting accustomed to sharing life with someone else. We (Barbie and I) are still furnishing our first apartment together, and we're still unpacking. So every day our surroundings look just a little bit different.

With so much changing in my life, I've noticed myself taking a weird inventory: likes, dislikes, concerns, and interesting observations. Maybe it's because I'm trying to nail down my identity, the intricacies of my individuality, now that I'm united as "one" with someone else for the rest of my life. Or maybe not. Whatever the reason, these are some things I've recently noticed:

My commute used to be 2 minutes. Now that I drive a full 10 minutes every morning, I enjoy spending that time with my new friends on ESPN radio: Mike and Mike.

I don't like those credit card, phone plan, and perfume peddlers who harass me in shopping malls.

I miss being more actively involved in a ministry.

I like Kirk Herbstreit a lot.

How I Met Your Mother is a really good show--one of the funniest sitcoms I've seen in awhile.

I want to take more classes, preferably relating to psychology.

Waking up when the alarm goes off in the morning is a lot easier when there's someone in bed to prod me with a finger, elbow, or knee.

Fall smells better than any other season.

These guys make me nervous:

(AP Image)

Craig's List is a very helpful site. One that almost provided a free houseboat for Steve and me. But no dice. Not yet.

Speaking of lists, I think this one is long enough. After Barbie and I get settled in, I'll upload a few of our honeymoon pictures from Cozumel.

I know this was a pretty weak post, but thanks for reading it anyway.


steve n' jess said...

first of all, you suck for posting malicious comments on my blog. second of all, just for that, you don't ever get to pet our new dog. there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...you are back to posting...I'm glad, the Minesweeper thing was funny as all get out, but it was getting old...