I'm going to begin with a little shameless self-promotion (I feel like I've been doing a lot of that lately).
Today, I had a book review featured on The Burnside Writer's Collective. In this article, I reviewed Anne Lamott's Grace (Eventually). For those interested, I've attached a link right here:
Review of Grace (Eventually)
I'd also like to apologize to anyone who reads my blog even somewhat regularly. I haven't been posting as routinely as I would like. And my content has been pretty shallow as of late. I plan to remedy this posthaste.
In the near future, I will be blogging on these topics:
1) How Old-Age Intersects the Eternal
2) How to Make Enemies, and Why We Should
3) Death and Two-Year-Olds
...and somewhere down the line, I will address homosexuality and the church's response.
Note: I reserve the right to post these in any order I choose, thereby rendering the above number system meaningless.
For those of you who prefer my shallow posts: Steve and I are set to film our second commercial tomorrow. (Sorry, no ketchup in this one.) When it's complete, I'll link to that too.
--Thanks for Reading
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